Scaling of X
variables is updated in lmridgeEst()
function. Now ridge regression can be done without scaling of X
The K
s arranged in order from kest()
Examples for rstats1()
, kest()
, and lmridgeEst()
are updated.
A correction in formula of KAD4 (Dorugade, 2014) from kest()
function was made.
In rstat2()
EDF is chanages to EP.
P-value for ridge F-statistics is computed and displayed in summary statistics.
Information about EP, df1, df2 are added in help file of summary()
Appropriate rounding of numbers is done in summary(), lmridge(), vif()
Arugements of legend()
in all plots are modified for further improvement.
Help file for summary()
and kest()
is improved.
The y
-axis label removed from bias.plot()
Some correction is made in standard error of the intercept term. Therefore, t
-value for intercept (first value of fourth column) and p
-value (first value of fifth column) is updated accordingly.
Correction is made in calculation of CV and GCV methods in kest()